Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey convicted

Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey was convicted on all counts in a sweeping scheme to sell his office to foreign powers and crooked businessmen in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, a luxury car and bars of solid gold.

A jury of 12 New Yorkers convicted him of all 16 counts he faced, on

charges including honest services wire fraud, bribery and extortion. Their verdict makes Mr. Menendez, a Democrat whose term expires at year’s end, only the seventh sitting U.S. senator to be convicted of a federal crime.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the majorit

Menendez to resign minutes after the verdict was read. New Jersey’s Democratic governor, Philip D. Murphy, also said Mr. Menendez should step down and said that he would make a temporary appointment to fill the seat should it become vacant.

Speaking to reporters outside the courtroom, Mr. Menendez said he was “deeply disappointed” and vowed to appeal the verdict. “I’ve never been anything but a patriot of my country and for my country,” he said.

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