Daily Archives: 5 August، 2024

هروب الشيخة حسينة للهند بعد عقود من الإستبداد

محمد خليل قضى قائد الجيش البنغلاديشي، وقر الزمان، نحو أربعة عقود للوصول إلى رأس المؤسسة العسكرية، وأعلن الاثنين أنه «سيتولى المسؤولية كاملة» بعد استقالة رئيسة الوزراء الشيخة حسينة وفرارها من البلاد. وقال وقر إن حسينة (76 عاماً) استقالت والجيش «سيشكّل حكومة مؤقتة»، حسب «وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية». وأضاف الضابط في قوة …

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U.S. military completes withdrawal from key drone base in Niger

Muhamad yehia WASHINGTON, Aug 5 (Reuters) – The United States military has completed its withdrawal from air base 201 in Niger, officials said on Monday, after Niger’s ruling junta ordered nearly 1,000 U.S. military personnel to leave following a coup last year. Air base 201, a drone base near Agadez …

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Congolese police officers flee to Uganda

Muhamad Yehia KAMPALA, Aug 5 (Reuters) – Nearly 100 police officers from the Democratic Republic of Congo fled to neighbouring Uganda over the weekend as fighting between M23 rebels and the military in Congo’s east intensified, a Ugandan military spokesperson said on Monday. The officers arrived via the Ishasha border …

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Uganda charges opposition lawmakers

Muhamad Yehia KAMPALA, Aug 5 (Reuters) – Police arrested 14 Ugandan opposition officials and supporters on Monday as they marched through their capital towards the Kenyan embassy to protest against Nairobi’s decision to detain and deport a group of their colleagues, local media said. The arrests and last month’s deportations …

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Nigeria’s president calls for end to protests

muhamad yehia ABUJA, Aug 4 (Reuters) – Nigeria’s President Bola Tinubu called on Sunday for a suspension of protests against a cost of living crisis, saying this would create an opportunity for dialogue, his first public comments since frustrated citizens took to the streets last week. Amnesty International has said at least …

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What’s behind Bangladesh’s protest

Muhamad yehia  (Reuters) – Bangladesh is on the boil again with close to 100 people killed on Sunday as protesters, calling for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s resignation, clashed with security forces and supporters of the ruling party. Last month, at least 150 people were killed and thousands injured in violence …

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