Ambassador Manuel Rubido Diaz with Ambassador Khaled El-Manzlawy, Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States

Cuban Ambassador expresses solidarity with Palestinian people

Wagdy Abdelaziz

The Cuban Ambassador to Cairo, Ambassador Manuel Rubido Diaz,

participated in the meeting held at the Arab League to discuss ways to support the Palestinian cause and call for Palestine to obtain full membership in the United Nations.

Ambassador Manuel Rubido Diaz delivered a speech at the meeting, during which he stressed Cuba’s solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle for self-determination and to end the Israeli occupation and aggression that resulted in the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians during its benevolent aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

In his speech, he appreciated the coincidence of sitting next to the Palestinian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Arab League, and considered it a happy opportunity to share his seat with the Palestinian representative, Ambassador Muhannad Al-Aklouk.

The Cuban Ambassador said that Palestine is a friendly country to Cuba, and I do not want to talk about the historical Cuban-Palestinian relations, but they are stable and solid relations to the point that all Cubans consider the historical struggle of the Palestinian people to be a principle of Cuba’s international and foreign policy.

The Cuban Ambassador to Cairo stressed his country’s support for an independent state in Palestine within the 1967 borders, with Jerusalem as its capital. He added, “We steadfastly and firmly condemn all the attacks that have been perpetrated against the Palestinian people, not only now, but for more than 75 years of suffering, this patient, noble, hard-working, and active people.”

The Cuban ambassador to Cairo stressed the Palestinian people’s entitlement, through the statement or recommendations of the Arab League, not only to request membership in the United Nations, but also to membership in the Security Council, because Palestine, with its steadfastness and historical resistance, cannot be compared to any struggle in the world. Its struggle deserves the respect of the entire world.

The Cuban ambassador hoped that the Palestinian people would achieve their desired independence. The Cuban ambassador concluded his speech by saying, “I take this opportunity to convey to the Palestinian people the greetings of the President of Cuba and the government of my country.

Cuba supports the Palestinian people with steadfastness and firmness in their legitimate rights. We demand and strongly condemn the attacks practiced or committed by Israel against the Palestinians. Cuba is one of the countries that has severed its relations with Israel, and this confirms the depth of relations between Cuba and its support for the Palestinian people. Finally, I thank the Arab League for joining me at the historic table and sitting next to the representative of Palestine.”

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